DragonBones / DragonBonesAS

DragonBones ActionScript Runtime
MIT License
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[Possible BUG] IKConstraint.normalize() not returns value #72

Closed T1mL3arn closed 7 years ago

T1mL3arn commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/DragonBones/DragonBonesAS/blob/master/DragonBones/src/dragonBones/IKConstraint.as#L215 Code:

private function normalize(rotation:Number):void
            if (rotation > Math.PI)
                rotation -= Math.PI*2;
            else if (rotation < -Math.PI)
                rotation += Math.PI*2;

Method just changes an argument and that is all.

akdcl commented 7 years ago

The bug has been fixed :)