Hi, I'm playing with DragonBonesJS 3.0.1 + PIXI 4.5.3 in VS Code (in typescript).
When I add a click listener to the stage and click my added armatureDisplay nothing happens and the event doesn't shoot. The Code throws two errors:
PixiArmatureDisplay.ts > [ts] 'Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'InteractionEventTypes'.' (165,30).
PixiArmatureDisplay.ts > [ts] 'Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'InteractionEventTypes'.' (171,33).
Everything is set up like in HelloDragonBones example - the only difference is different texture and armature data files. The added armatureDisplay is visible on stage and the proper animation is playing.
Hi, I'm playing with DragonBonesJS 3.0.1 + PIXI 4.5.3 in VS Code (in typescript).
When I add a click listener to the stage and click my added armatureDisplay nothing happens and the event doesn't shoot. The Code throws two errors: PixiArmatureDisplay.ts > [ts] 'Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'InteractionEventTypes'.' (165,30). PixiArmatureDisplay.ts > [ts] 'Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'InteractionEventTypes'.' (171,33).
Everything is set up like in HelloDragonBones example - the only difference is different texture and armature data files. The added armatureDisplay is visible on stage and the proper animation is playing.