DragonBones / DragonBonesJS

DragonBones TypeScript / JavaScript Runtime
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Compilation errors from the latest update (PIXI) #46

Closed deCompany closed 6 years ago

deCompany commented 6 years ago

Hi and thanks for the cool update! Here are some errors I get on compilation (VSCode) with PIXI project (causes crashing in browser):

PixiArmatureDisplay.ts -Class "PixiArmatureDisplay" incorrectly implements interface "IArmatureProxy"- (27, 18)

PixiFactory.ts -Argument of type "PixiArmatureDisplay" is not assignable to parameter of type "IEventDispatcher"- (43, 57) -Argument of type "PixiArmatureDisplay" is not assignable to parameter of type "IArmatureProxy"- (99, 17) -Type "IEventDispatcher" cannot be converted to type "PixiArmatureDisplay"- (194, 20) -Property "clock" does not exist on type "PixiFactory"- (208, 40)

PixiSlot.ts -Property "_armatureData" does not exist on type "Armature". Did you mean "armatureData"?- (243, 95) -Property "_armatureData" does not exist on type "Armature". Did you mean "armatureData"?- (273, 42)

deCompany commented 6 years ago

Update. I am sorry if this is me doing something wrong. I get all this errors when I use "out" files from DragonBones folder. I've found there are files with the same names in every target folder too (Pixi, Phaser, etc) - so maybe I should use these files.

If I use files from "Pixi/4.x/out" folder I get a bunch of errors like PixiArmatureDisplay.ts -Duplicate identifier "PixiArmatureDisplay"- and dragonBones.d.ts --Duplicate identifier "PixiArmatureDisplay"-

At least these errors don't cause crashes. Hope this helps )

akdcl commented 6 years ago

Hi, you should use files from pixi/4.x/out. Duplicate identifier error, may be you imports duplicate dragonbones declaration file?

deCompany commented 6 years ago

Now that's clear, thanks. As for duplicated import - I don't import it with code. I just have one file in tsDefinitions folder, one file in js folder and Pixi... files in source folder. It worked well until the latest update. I forgot to mention: all the duplicate errors are from Pixi... files (PixiFactory, PixiSlot, PixiArmatureDisplay, PixiTextureAtlasData, PixiTextureData).

deCompany commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry, it was completely my fault. I had dragonBones source .ts files in my project folders. That was the reason for duplication error. Thanks for your time. )