DragonComputer / Cerebrum

Crossmodal Supervised Learning Toolkit using High-Performance Extreme Learning Machines over the audio-visual-textual data
MIT License
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Implémentation #21

Open micka-chm opened 4 years ago

micka-chm commented 4 years ago

Bonjour j'aimerais savoir si cela est possible de fusionner cerebrum avec dragonfire pour une meilleur capacités

Merci d votre comprehension

mertyildiran commented 4 years ago

@micka-chm sorry but I don't speak French. So could you please write in English if it's possible?

micka-chm commented 4 years ago

hello here is my answer in english

I would like to know if it is possible to merge cerebrum with dragonfire for better capacities

Thank you for your understanding

mertyildiran commented 4 years ago

@micka-chm this is a stale project that I have no interest on developing in short term.

Cerebrum was originally an experiment on creating an Artificial General Intelligence but I failed on making progress on this project long time ago. So at this state neither Dragonfire nor Cerebrum can be integrated to each other.

micka-chm commented 4 years ago

you had failed at what stage because it seems to me fairly stable as a program