DragonDev1906 / Minecraft-Overviewer

Render high-resolution maps of a Minecraft world with a Leaflet powered interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

Remove duplicate call to Textures.generate() #32

Closed DragonDev1906 closed 4 years ago

DragonDev1906 commented 4 years ago

Upstream issue when trying to solve it: https://github.com/overviewer/Minecraft-Overviewer/issues/1731

DragonDev1906 commented 4 years ago

The current version of the AssetLoader is not Pickelable. For testing the AssetLoader in textures.py was removed and recreated. This resulted in Preprocessing taking really long (or forever, see log below).

I'm not sure if this is directly linked to AssetLoader or to some other changes we made.

This didn't happen on windows.

Commit: e6dc4c2b4e92652c2320aee80fb759c43a794e49 Branch: ubuntu-16-eof-error

How to recreate:

  1. Install ubuntu 16.4
  2. apt install python3 python3-dev build-essential python3-venv xvfb libgles2-mesa-dev
  3. Maybe you need apt install libgles2-mesa, too
  4. Create and setup venv: python3 -m venv env
  5. source env/bin/activate
  6. pip install numpy Pillow moderngl
  7. Get sourcecode: git clone https://github.com/DragonDev1906/Minecraft-Overviewer
  8. cd Minecraft-Overviewer/
  9. git branch ubuntu-16-eof-error origin/ubuntu-16-eof-error
  10. python setup.py build
  11. Setup EGL: export DISPLAY=:99.0
  12. Xvfb :99 -screen 0 640x480x24 &
  13. Run: python overviewer.py -c ../config --forcerender


outputdir = "/home/user/overviewer/out"

worlds["Test12985"] = "/home/user/overviewer/Test12985"
worlds["Debug"] = "/home/user/overviewer/Debug"

renders["normalrender"] = {
    "world": "Test12985",
    "title": "Normal World",

renders["secondrender"] = {
    "world": "Debug",
    "title": "Debug World",

texturepath = "/home/user/overviewer/1.15.2.jar"


2020-04-01 11:26:28  No Element data found for the model block/bed
2020-04-01 11:26:28  No Element data found for the model block/yellow_shulker_box
2020-04-01 11:26:28  No Element data found for the model block/banner
2020-04-01 11:26:28  No Element data found for the model block/skull
2020-04-01 11:26:28  No Element data found for the model block/skull
2020-04-01 11:26:28  Preprocessing...
[(['5', '1', '1'], ['3', '2', '1'], ['1', '3', '1']), (['3', '4', '2'], ['8', '5', '2'], ['4', '6', '2']), (['7', '7', '3'], ['6', '8', '3'], ['8', '9', '3']), (['2', '10', '4'], ['8', '11', '4'], ['6', '12', '4']), (['1', '3', '5'], ['4', '13', '5'], ['2', '14', '5']), (['5', '15', '6'], ['2', '10', '6'], ['6', '12', '6']), (['5', '1', '1'], ['7', '16', '1'], ['3', '2', '1']), (['3', '4', '2'], ['7', '17', '2'], ['8', '5', '2']), (['7', '7', '3'], ['5', '1', '3'], ['6', '8', '3']), (['2', '10', '4'], ['4', '18', '4'], ['8', '11', '4']),
(['1', '3', '5'], ['3', '19', '5'], ['4', '13', '5']), (['5', '15', '6'], ['1', '20', '6'], ['2', '10', '6'])]
[2]+  Stopped                 python overviewer.py -c ../config --forcerender
DragonDev1906 commented 4 years ago

Resolved in commit: 9cf35336b56c72ef197018af7b02e71a44d659f2