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www/chromium does not start #108

Closed mneumann closed 9 years ago

mneumann commented 10 years ago

I installed chromium-35.0.1916.153_1. When I start chrome I get the following error messages:

> chrome 
sysctl: unknown oid 'kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed'
[: =: unexpected operator
[3998:102826176:0827/125807:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(627)] Failed to load /usr/local/bin/chrome_100_percent.pak
Some features may not be available.

And a dialog box opens with "Unable to find locale data files. Please reinstall.". Then, I am back at the command line.

jrmarino commented 10 years ago

it's never worked. It just builds. Joris got the closest, he's launched it. the sysctl needs to be removed, probably for FreeBSD too. I told them but they didn't act on it.

Anyway, nobody ever said this worked. I only put in dports so somebody can fix it.

mneumann commented 10 years ago

no problem. I was just curious.

if it isn't working and just builds, can we remove it somehow from generating a pkg? I mean, still building it, but not uploading the pkg?

jrmarino commented 10 years ago

/me shrugs

just leave it. The more people that know it's 99% complete, the more people are motivated to fix it. It would be great and you and Joris could finish it off since he made it another 0.9% by himself.

jrmarino commented 10 years ago

it's only bleeding edge anyway, no guarantees... It doesn't build on 3.8 I think.

mneumann commented 10 years ago

cool. would be nice if joris posts his progress, so someone else can continue to work on it.

jorisgio commented 10 years ago

I've not much things to say, unfortunatly. I just tried it out by curiosity. I hitted the same issue, and that's because it tries loading the resources from the wrong directory (bin). I looked at the plist and made some dirty symlink, i'm able to launch it, but the pages are not rendered. Maybe related to this IPC flag we don't implement. I didn't look any further, really.

jrmarino commented 9 years ago

Chromium was fixed a couple of weeks ago -- it starts now, at least on release 4.0 and the dev branch.