DragonFlyBSD / DPorts

The dedicated application build system for DragonFly BSD
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/xports/devel/qt5 #172

Closed seannaswell closed 8 years ago

seannaswell commented 8 years ago

When attempting #synth install devel/qmake5 it fails with:

=> qtbase-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz is not in /xports/devel/qt5/distinfo. => Either /xports/devel/qt5/distinfo is out of date, or => qtbase-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.xz is spelled incorrectly. *\ Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /xports/devel/qmake5

jrmarino commented 8 years ago

update your ports tree. If it doubt, blow the ports tree away and fetch it again. (be careful if distfiles/ directory is located instead the directory though)

That error implies older qt5 (5.4) is still listed as current somewhere, so my guess is you only did a partial update on tree (via svn) or portsnap failed if you use that.

seannaswell commented 8 years ago

Blew away and re-synced, built correctly. Many thanks.

jrmarino commented 8 years ago

oh, it was dports? I think it just wasn't up to date then. It had many updates since qt5 didn't work. We were pushing fixes as they came because something was better than nothing.

For some reason I thought this was about FreeBSD ports.

seannaswell commented 8 years ago

Yes, was dports. Based on your answer it seemed you were thinking FreeBSD, understandable as I was not specific, but decided to do anyway. Git said all was in sync, but build still failed, so blowing away was the right answer. Thanks again.