DragonFlyBSD / DPorts

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devel/readline: Disable TERMCAP option #183

Closed tgyurci closed 7 years ago

tgyurci commented 7 years ago

DragonFly does not have libtermcap.so, so linking fails when TERMCAP option is set to readline port. TERMP option should be removed completely:

diff --git a/devel/readline/Makefile.DragonFly b/devel/readline/Makefile.DragonFly
index 01fc2c4..8a4494a 100644
--- a/devel/readline/Makefile.DragonFly
+++ b/devel/readline/Makefile.DragonFly
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 USES+= ncurses

        ${REINPLACE_CMD} "s/SHOBJ_LDFLAGS =/SHOBJ_LDFLAGS = -lncurses/" ${WRKSRC}/shlib/Makefile.in
jrmarino commented 7 years ago

we don't remove option definitions. This often breaks the port. Removing the default setting is enough.

Only default settings are guaranteed to build. There are countless examples of non-default options that will not build (also on FreeBSD for that matter)

tgyurci commented 7 years ago

Alright. But there is a typo in it:


should be:

jrmarino commented 7 years ago

hmm, you're right.