DragonFlyBSD / DPorts

The dedicated application build system for DragonFly BSD
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Please bump vulnerable Expat to 2.2.1 #190

Closed hartwork closed 7 years ago

hartwork commented 7 years ago

Please excuse my posting style.

Vulnerable copy found at: https://github.com/DragonFlyBSD/DPorts/tree/master/textproc/expat2

Expat 2.2.1 change log: https://github.com/libexpat/libexpat/blob/master/expat/Changes

Commits that you may need on top:

Best, Sebastian

jrmarino commented 7 years ago

fix happens naturally: https://github.com/DragonFlyBSD/DPorts/commit/2f86b10b14c3144ad39953ea3b89ae99818ccb50

hartwork commented 7 years ago

So it compiles fine without extra commits? What's the process of getting from staged into master? Have a link? Thanks!

jrmarino commented 7 years ago

There's no process. Nobody is supposed to use staged branch, ever. You just wait until staged is promoted.

hartwork commented 7 years ago

Have a link on how promotion works?