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sysutils/password-store 1.7.1 broken #195

Closed gisenmann closed 6 years ago

gisenmann commented 6 years ago

After updating to version 1.7.1 (from 1.6.5?) running the pass command without arguments gives:

Error: q::c:: is not in the password store.

The problem seems to be, that the bash builtin getopt is used and not /usr/local/bin/getopt.

The 1.7.1 /usr/local/libexec/pass bash script tries to source /usr/local/libexec/platform/dragonfly.sh but the package contains /usr/local/libexec/platform/freebsd.sh.

I think either renaming platform/freebsd.sh into platform/dragonfly.sh would solve the problem, or patching the pass script like in 1.6.5 with the post-patch make target:

@${REINPLACE_CMD} -Ee 's|GETOPT="getopt"|GETOPT="${LOCALBASE}/bin/getopt"|' ${WRKSRC}/src/password-store.sh @${REINPLACE_CMD} -Ee 's|SHRED="shred -f -z"|SHRED="rm -P -f"|' ${WRKSRC}/src/password-store.sh

jrmarino commented 6 years ago

I commited your suggestion. I assume it's correct. It built. 1de37f5d8b9b5f385563d2d027ce337e5736a9ca