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no screens found when installed with KVM #243

Open jay763190097 opened 1 year ago

jay763190097 commented 1 year ago

image image I use the latest version: dfly-x86_64-6.4.0_REL.iso

daftaupe commented 10 months ago

Hi @jay763190097,

what type of gpu are you providing the vm with ? I think you need a minimal config file for the scfb backend to work. I didn't check but I would say something like the following in /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/scfb.conf

Section "Device"
 Identifier "Card0"
 Driver     "scfb"
krionical commented 3 weeks ago

I made your suggested change as indicated as I have the same issue:


It did not resolve the problem. Right now, I'm using "VGA" as the model in Qemu.

daftaupe commented 3 weeks ago

@krionical that's only part of the log file, could you please post the whole file somewhere ?

krionical commented 3 weeks ago

I had hoped to extract this file from dragonfly and get it to you in some neat text form, but it turns out that that is not a trivial matter since Qemu mounts disks in a strange way that are external when it comes to dragonflybsd. My next stop was going to be magic wormhole, but that didn't work because of various complications with rust. Hence, I am just going to send the screen shots here of the log, since that's about the easiest way to do this I can see.

bsd1 bsd2 bsd3 bsd4

Maybe there is some advantage to this for people who come after me and can compare their own logs right here. If not, I apologize if this sucks up more bandwidth than usually appropriate.

servizig commented 2 weeks ago

I removed this patch (fb.fb_type has value FBTYPE_VGA) and could start X even without config files. But screen rendered some funny colored ASCII art, I've never seen anything like this before and didn't investigate further.