DragonMinded / libdragon

Open source library for N64 development.
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identify_accessory() identifies controller pak as rumble pak #536

Open fhoedemakers opened 2 months ago

fhoedemakers commented 2 months ago

WIth controller pak inserted in controller 0:

When trying cpak-utest and cpaktest from the examples, the Identify_accessory(0) call returns ACCESSORY_RUMBLEPAK

Tried with different controllers and controller paks on an NTSC Nintendo 64 with Everdrive 64 X7

networkfusion commented 2 months ago

Is it a first party pak or a third party pak? If third party, what model?

fhoedemakers commented 2 months ago

First party NUS-004. Official games recognize the pak without any problem. (Doom 64, Turok)

networkfusion commented 2 months ago

It this point I am guessing you are using the trunk branch. I am pretty sure this is fixed on the preview and unstable branches which implement the new joybus API.

fhoedemakers commented 2 months ago

Ok thanks, will try the preview branch.

fhoedemakers commented 2 months ago

Hi, I tested with the preview branch and now the controller pak is recognized without a problem. Thanks!

rasky commented 2 months ago

Thanks I'll mark this as fixed in preview, so that others can find it. I'll close the issue once the new library is merged to trunk.