DragonOS-Community / DragonOS

使用Rust从0自研内核,具有Linux兼容性的操作系统,面向云计算轻量化场景而设计。DragonOS is an operating system developed from scratch using Rust, with Linux compatibility. It is designed for lightweight cloud computing scenarios.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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chore(tools): add bootstrap support for Gentoo Linux #809

Closed donjuanplatinum closed 1 month ago

dragonosbot commented 1 month ago

感谢您的pull request,欢迎加入!🎉 DragonOS社区很兴奋地期待审核您的更改,您将在接下来的两周内收到 @fslongjin (or someone else) 的回复。💬😊

Please see the contribution instructions for more information. Namely, in order to ensure the minimum review times lag, PR authors and assigned reviewers should ensure that the review label (S-等待审查 and S-等待作者修改) stays updated, invoking these commands when appropriate:

fslongjin commented 1 month ago

hello! 麻烦参考


donjuanplatinum commented 1 month ago

hello! 麻烦参考

* https://docs.dragonos.org/zh-cn/latest/community/code_contribution/conventional-commit.html

* https://www.conventionalcommits.org/zh-hans/v1.0.0/


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