Issue Description: The awakened pipe piece states that the damage level for a laser should be 35, however this is not the case. Shown below is an example of what it says and there is also a screenshot of a fully awakened laser gun which displays the damage value as being 3.5 (my theory is that it's a typo as all other weapons that are awakened have the damage value of 35)
Modpack: Dragon Industries
Modpack Type: Technic
Issue Description: The awakened pipe piece states that the damage level for a laser should be 35, however this is not the case. Shown below is an example of what it says and there is also a screenshot of a fully awakened laser gun which displays the damage value as being 3.5 (my theory is that it's a typo as all other weapons that are awakened have the damage value of 35)
Related Files: Example Image: Screenshot of Laser gun: