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Git workflow improvement proposal #119

Closed jlirochon closed 8 years ago

jlirochon commented 8 years ago

Proposal based on some good practices and some experience.

:shipit: Feel free to react / comment / add something / deny / remove me from the contributors...

DefinitlyEvil commented 8 years ago

I have two questions:

ethsmith commented 8 years ago

I like this idea

jlirochon commented 8 years ago

Which one ? lol

ethsmith commented 8 years ago

This all comes together as a big improvement idea so all of it

DefinitlyEvil commented 8 years ago

@jlirochon What about my question. ;)

jlirochon commented 8 years ago
  1. There is a tool named git-flow, which add some commands to git, and manage this workflow automatically. For example when you start a release:
    • git flow release start 0.0.3 will create a release/0.0.3 branch from develop (always)
    • then you can push on this branch to fix last remaining bugs and do some polish
    • then you can git flow release finish 0.0.3, it will merge release/0.0.3 into master and develop, create a 0.0.3 tag, and delete the release/0.0.3 branch.
  2. You can squash commits using git rebase command. You can change the orders of your commits too, or even split a commit into 2 commits.
DefinitlyEvil commented 8 years ago


jlirochon commented 8 years ago

git-flow handles the following concepts:

It's a quite common workflow

jlirochon commented 8 years ago

@DefinitlyEvil you mean develop branch, because master will never be updated until you release :)

And no, it won't track commits from develop. Release branches should be created when there is enough features and bugfixes on develop. You only create them to do last minute polishing, fix the last small bugs before releasing.

If you really want a fix from develop you can cherry-pick one commit or two using git cherry-pick f72f7c4 syntax. But you don't want to merge all commits from develop, because you are in the process of stabilising a release, not destroying it with random stuff :hankey:

jlirochon commented 8 years ago

And that's said, you can always do all that you want or need, it's just Git.

If you need to break the rules for some reason and you know what you are doing, you can do it.

mastercoms commented 8 years ago

Eh, I don't like git flow.

jlirochon commented 8 years ago

@mastercoms why ? Do you have other recommendation ?

mastercoms commented 8 years ago

Git flow isn't really the way you should use git. http://scottchacon.com/2011/08/31/github-flow.html

jlirochon commented 8 years ago

@mastercoms thank you, very interesting article !

I read the full thing, and I understand their points. Git flow is just a standardised way to use Git, there are millions of other possible workflows.

I think GitHub workflow (don't mix up with Git Flow) can apply to websites doing Continuous Deployment. Git Flow would slow them down. They explicitly says they have no concept of release, since they deploy all day (and night ?) long, that's why Git Flow can't suit their needs.

In our case, we can not push code on all dedicated servers on which Dragonet was installed by customers. Continuous Deployment doesn't apply to Dragonet (until we find a way to auto-update the code everywhere, and hot-swap it without losing connections to the MC clients). For now, we are still in a process of releasing versions, so Git Flow is still the standardized way to do it.

We could just craft a similar workflow, but git flow command has proven to be useful for people who forget to merge things back. It avoid mistakes like bugs fixed in version 0.0.3, but oops they're back in 0.0.4, because someone forgot to merge a certain commit on a specific branch at some point.

I retain their argument of people only using Git through a graphical interface. I will be happy to help people who want to improve their Git skills. And I would say that not all developers need to use Git Flow. Most of time we are just working on a branch as usual, and only the maintainers have to manage releases and hotfixes.

DefinitlyEvil commented 8 years ago

@jlirochon Wow, update without restart will be crazy! :O Even Bukkit can't achieve it yet.

mastercoms commented 8 years ago

Well, I would see GitHub Flow working in a similar fashion for Dragonet. We can fix small bugs and tweak things on master, while forking master for big changes/new features. Once they are done, we merge them back to master. This is GitHub Flow.

The thing that would be different is that once we have met our milestones in terms of bug fixes/features for that version, we move a pre-created tag for the next version out of pre-release, and finalize it. Then we create a new tag in pre-release for the next version, and continue development.

I feel like git flow over complicates things. Since all versions would share the same branch, it would not be possible to forget to merge things for a later version.

jlirochon commented 8 years ago

Ok, Git Flow uses develop for development branch, but it's just a branch name, and it's just a convention. If I take your proposal and replace master by develop for small bugs and tweaks, it's all the same. Git Flow is just a conventional way of doing things.

For the release part, yes your proposal is much simpler, you just tag a commit on master at some point and declare this will be a release. All versions share the same branch, and there is no merge.

In this configuration, the problem, if any, is that you miss the opportunity of releasing a stable thing. Everyone has access to master, so il real world when working on a team you have some options:

  1. just tag some commit that looks not so bad, and declare this is your release (your proposal)
  2. tell everyone not to push on master, because you are creating a release, and you don't want crap to be pushed during this process (tends to annoy and slow down the team)
  3. create a release branch, do whatever you want on it, then release it (Git Flow)

For now, Dragonet has no stable release, so just choosing an arbitrary commit can do the trick. But in the future, we may not release a new version before having tested it on some servers during a couple of days, and fixed some remaining bugs.

Actually, compared to just tagging a commit, Git Flow would introduce the following overhead for the releaser:

  1. git flow release start 0.0.4
  2. bump to new version in DragonetVersioning and some other files
  3. git flow release finish 0.0.4
  4. git push origin master:master --tag
  5. git push origin develop:develop

Step 2 will grow when releases will need more stability. It's up to the releaser to decide if it's worth trying git flow or not.

At the end, I still would like to have a develop branch, and a master branch where only releasers can commit

mastercoms commented 8 years ago

As soon as you commit the last commit for 0.0.3, for example, you make the final 0.0.3 tag, so there is no need to tell anyone to stop committing. If you want to test, just make 0.0.3 labeled as a pre-release. After testing, label it as a release. Then people can download this stable version from the tag.

Anyway, I think @DefinitlyEvil should decide.

jlirochon commented 8 years ago

@mastercoms I don't agree with your last comment, but anyway, let's defer the release thing until we feel the need for improvement.

Can we adopt other proposals ?

mastercoms commented 8 years ago

I agree that with all of those.