DragonsInn / fontgen-loader

Automated webfont generation from SVG icons. Use with WebPack!
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Fontgen runs two times when used with ExtractText #25

Open sergeymorkovkin opened 8 years ago

sergeymorkovkin commented 8 years ago

Here is code snippet to test. Function output should be merged into webpack config:

` export const plugins = { HtmlPlugin: require('html-webpack-plugin'), ExtractTextPlugin: require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'), };

// Font generator // export const fontgen = () => {

const extractFontCss = new plugins.ExtractTextPlugin('2', 'assets/css/[id].[contenthash].icons.css');

return { module: { loaders: [{ test: /icons.json$/, loader: extractFontCss.extract('vue-style', 'css!fontgen?fileName=assets/fonts/[fontname].[hash][ext]'), }], }, plugins: [ extractFontCss ] };

}; `

SleepWalker commented 8 years ago


as temporary solution I can suggest you to change fileName config property to assets/fonts/[fontname][ext]?[hash]