Dragory / modmailbot

Modmail Bot is a bot for Discord that makes it easier for users to contact moderators and admins for help.
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Auto close ticket feature #523

Closed Derek-Da-Dingo closed 12 months ago

Derek-Da-Dingo commented 3 years ago

It happened quite often when a user who 'submitted a ticket' to ModMail regarding an issue 'can be self-resolved' or 'not related to our end' after they read the greeting and the notes like, "Hello... We can assist you with discord channel issues only, please visit XXXXX for hacker report or account related issues".

Would that be better if an user type in ONE WORD (just one word, not a full sentence) 'Resolved', the system will be able to close the ticket automatically in (let's say, 2 hours), requested by the 'user', without the needs of server moderators to type in '!close 10m' in order to close the ticket manually.

Not sure whether this suggestion is useful or not. The good outcome is to reduce the workload from the server moderators when dealing with 'non discord related issues'. The worse case scenario is people may abuse the system.

NullOrNaN commented 3 years ago

In all honesty, I'm not sure how I feel about this personally. I like the idea of a user being able to request the closure of the ticket but I wouldn't want them to be able to close a ticket. The reason is that we can open a ticket to the user for a matter that might require Mod / Admin intervention. Say the user has been accused of something by another user and we're trying to get both sides using ModMail rather than DMs so it stays within the entire Staff team that should see it.

DarkView commented 3 years ago

You can set allowUserClose to enabled and the user will be able to use the !close command to close the ticket from their end. https://github.com/Dragory/modmailbot/blob/master/docs/configuration.md#allowuserclose