Dragsters / Nutrihelp

An android application to predict risks of getting Diabetes like major health issues.
MIT License
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App Interface Design #5

Closed Shivani-Raichandani closed 3 years ago

Shivani-Raichandani commented 3 years ago

App Interface Design

1. Splash Screen
2. Onboarding Screens The onboarding Screens contains 4 to 5 illustrations along with some text describing features of app.
3. Login * contains 2 screens. one for entering email. one for OTP. * Login using email verification only. no need to create password.
4. Drawer / Sidebar * an icon button for dark mode * __Menu__ * __profile__ - to view all profiles and select a profile. * __Reports__ - to view all report history. * __Statistics__ - contains all type of data collected by the app, other than reports * __Nutri helper__ - to view composition of calories, vitamins, protiens, carbohydrates, Fats, etc in a given food or to view recommendations about a specific nutrient. * __About Us / Rate Us__ - to view developer details and give rating or feedback.
5. Bottom Navigation contains 4 navigation buttons for Home, Checkups, Recipies, Articles in same order.
5.1 Home Screen * fitness band status / numbers of steps walked * button to create diet plan * button for health checkup recommendations * Section for tracking daily diet where user can add food item and amount of water he has taken. * calories burned / Current daily diet plan target and its comparision with today's intakes. * food item recommendations for today's breakfast, lunch, dinner. * clicking on every item will navigate you to their detailed views/screens.
5.2 Checkups Screen * button to fill form * heart disease predictions * cancer predictions * diabetes predictions
5.3 Recipies Screen Contains Healthy recipies based on user food choices and diet plans(veg, nonveg, recommendations)
5.4 Articles Contains health fact of the day, and articles related to health.
Ashuto7h commented 3 years ago

Good work Shivani. Others please give your suggestions. Is there anything that should be added or removed from the given design summary?

mohit-codes commented 3 years ago

Great Shivani I have gone through the summary it looks good, no significant correction found.