Draichi / T-1000

:zap: :zap: π˜‹π˜¦π˜¦π˜± π˜™π˜“ 𝘈𝘭𝘨𝘰𝘡𝘳𝘒π˜₯π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘸π˜ͺ𝘡𝘩 π˜™π˜’π˜Ί π˜ˆπ˜—π˜
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a few issues #9

Closed ss2cp closed 5 years ago

ss2cp commented 5 years ago

Hi Lucas!

I found your repo from Adam King's project. First of all, great work and respect.

While my mac is training, there is a few issues I ran into.

  1. When installing env with conda on my mac, matplotlib=2.2.3=py35h0e0179f_0 cannot be found. I removed the last part py35h ... and it fixed the problem. So, my question is: did you test this in ubuntu env, or mac?

  2. I tried to train multi model as instructed on readme, python train_multi_model.py gave me error not finding SYMBOL_1 (from vars.py) I looked into what might caused this, but I could not find where you pass in the SYMBOLs from vars.py any idea how to fix this? or I did something wrong

  3. While I was looking into train_multi_model.py, I noticed in experiment_spec, there is a line "local_dir": '/home/lucas/Documents/cryptocurrency_prediction/tensorboard'. I could not run this train_multi_model.py file, but if I did, I imagine it would give me an error about folder not exist.

  4. So instead I tried the second command you provided, # single pair python train.py \ --algo PPO \ --pair XRP/USDT \ and it is still running as I am writing this post. But I could not find where is the output tensorflow folder, so I cannot really track its progress. Again, any idea? or did I do something wrong...?

Again, great project! Thx!

Draichi commented 5 years ago

Hey mate, let me try to clarify things for you

  1. I only tested in ubuntu, the mac.yml is a contribution from a mac user.

  2. In train_multi_model.py the following line is missing:

    from configs.vars import *
  3. Yeah you need to create a tensorboard folder and update "local_dir" to this recent create tensorboard folder (u do this if you want to save the checkpoints in the project root folder, if not, use the number 4 idea)

  4. If you don't use the "local_dir" line your checkpoints will be saved at ~/ray_results/[EXPERIMENT_NAME] by default.

I know the project is a lil messy, my wish now is to organize it but I'm working in something else and I have no time at the moment, so fell free to contribute if you want and any question let me know.

Thanks :smile:

Draichi commented 5 years ago

fixed https://github.com/Draichi/cryptocurrency_algotrading/commit/b3ef2ec220cc7d95a21ee548c176bcb2b2c89e2b

thanks for the catch