Drakulix / googlehome

Google Home Integration for Home-Assistant
Apache License 2.0
29 stars 3 forks source link

Merge with ha-google-home #23

Closed leikoilja closed 3 years ago

leikoilja commented 3 years ago

Hey, @Drakulix, we just found out that you are developing very similar packages as we do at https://github.com/leikoilja/ha-google-home with a few more super talented developers.

Do you want to join and merge our repos together? We would be much more efficient altogether with the more consistent flow of develop-test-review-release under the same project instead of various smaller similar projects.

Under the hood, we are using python glocaltokens package which main goal is to fetch and provide local authentication tokens that are needed to make API requests to google devices. Keeping it close to glocaltokens package will allow for both projects to grow faster with more contributors 💥

Let us know what you think

Drakulix commented 3 years ago

Hey, funny thing, I just found your integration yesterday and was thinking about deprecating mine in favor of your approach.

Some of the differences between our components:

I am lacking the time, but wanted to upstream my work eventually and I think reviving the googledevices package is key to that goal, because the home assistant docs state, that All API specific code has to be part of a third party library hosted on PyPi.

What are your goals with the project? Would you be willing to adjust the api layer? I am happy to help, but I am currently busy with other projects and I am not sure, if I can contribute much else. The scanner needs a lot of rework to have a chance at upstreaming. I am happy to mentor anyone giving that a chance and of course you can take any inspiration you want from the repo (its Apache-licensed anyway).

leikoilja commented 3 years ago

Sounds good, thanks for getting back to me 💥

Well, the ultimate goal is to put community efforts together to finally make usable sense of google-assistant enhanced home devices. Our places are packed with google home devices and we run home assistant in parallel but the two sadly doesn't work together for the past 2 years 😅
With some hard work of few members we have already got something useful out there that is more-less reliably providing alarms/timers information from google devices to HA - which is amazing and i'm personally super happy about!

Speaking technicalities, as long as there is community need and interest to invest effort into the project - we are up for the challenge (I'm talking for myself)! 💥 As you have mentioned, there are a lot more work to be done: API extraction to a separate package (as googledevices does), BT triangulation and much more potential of using the rest of available API endpoints.

You seem knowledgable in the area and skilled in the field - that's why we'd be happy if you'd join our small team :) Ofc, we are all volunteers and can invest only so much time and effort into the project, but it'll definitely be so much more effective to join "forces" :)

As you have mentioned, one way of doing so - you could deprecate the repo in favour of ha-google-home, I'll make you ha-google-home repo contributor and we take it from there altogether ;)

Drakulix commented 3 years ago


Feel free to send me an invite any time.