DraqueT / PolyGlot

PolyGlot is a conlang construction toolkit.
MIT License
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Suggestion: Table for declension/conjugation generator. #1048

Open TrapinchO opened 2 years ago

TrapinchO commented 2 years ago

Basicaly the same menu as when you view declensions/conjugations but for the generator. When you click on a field a normal declension menu opens as it does now. It could simplify creating declensions as ot is more readable than a long list of stuff. The ui is also practically done, so it could be reused.

DraqueT commented 2 years ago

Going over some of these suggestions again and this is definitely up there. Making conjugations easier is a common ask from most users. I think it's going to have to be in 3.6 though. I'm just running out of steam on 3.5 and need to get it out.