DraqueT / PolyGlot

PolyGlot is a conlang construction toolkit.
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Print to PDF uses conlang for all dictionary entries. #1156

Open wanderwitch opened 2 years ago

wanderwitch commented 2 years ago

Screenshot (17) Print to PDF doesn't use Local Font for any entries it should.

DraqueT commented 2 years ago

I have not been able to reproduce this error. If it's still occurring, could you please send me the polyglot file you were having this trouble with? Sorry for the long delay, but real life projects took precedence for while.

sombra-glaze commented 1 year ago

I just tried to export as pdf and I had the same thing happen, here's the file for mine: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aOisn340obvpfkhrS_FD9xeM5hxaKNPU?usp=sharing

in case it's useful to know I have PolyGlot ver. 3.5.1 and I'm on MacOS Monterey (version 12.1)

Naitomeatori commented 2 months ago

I also just started having this issue, even though I've exported this same file to PDF a hundred times before just fine. I did accidentally uninstall the program a few days ago, redownloaded from the website like usual, and this is the first time I've tried to export to PDF since then. I'll leave a link to my PolyGlot file in case you're still looking into this.

I have changed the local font to something different, I changed it from the default Charis SIL to Palatino Linotype. It exports just fine with the default font, but defaults to the conlang font when I change it to Palatino. This only happens when I select fonts from a font file. The file I have for Palatino is a .ttf file, but I have deduced by trying out other .ttf and .otf files that it seems to be a problem in which PolyGlot fails to properly execute the font. This happens when selecting the font manually or using the font selection window. However, I have also found that you have to save the document to commit the font changes, or it will keep outputting the broken "all conlang font" over and over. I ran a couple tests, where I changed the font and exported to a new file in a new location, same issues. Then I saved the project before doing that again. If moving from a manually selected font to a font window selected font, it would output the default font. I have frankly never tried to change the local font before, so I have no idea if this is something that's been consistent. For now, the default Charis SIL works perfectly fine.

Running PolyGlot 3.5.1 on Windows 11 version 10.0.22631.

[Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuDL6vKahymogZglWux1Aery96JyVw?e=40fa1S ]