DraqueT / PolyGlot

PolyGlot is a conlang construction toolkit.
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Forbidden clusters still showing up in word generator #1335

Open clonglanger opened 7 months ago

clonglanger commented 7 months ago

I'm generating words in my conlang using the zompist system. I've defined a forbidden cluster as any nasal that does not have the same place of articulation as the preceding stop (eg gng is allowed, but gm and gn are not). Despite this, /gm/ still showing up in the list of generated words, even after I've cleared the generated words list and run the generator again, and even after going back and forth between windows.

ExplorerTerraeIgnotae commented 1 month ago

May not be the right answer, but try to use "Show syllables" mode and see, if the forbidden clusters are in the same one syllable or not. I've done the same with longand short vowels in one syllable (so I don't get some words like /le:e:ee/) and they still do appear sometimes, just in two adjacten syllables.