DraqueT / PolyGlot

PolyGlot is a conlang construction toolkit.
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Lexicon Entry: Usage Example #633

Open MC31415926535897 opened 6 years ago

MC31415926535897 commented 6 years ago

SOLUTION: Add notation to mark text as Italic in the definition box. Probably being surrounded by brackets [] or something. Make this parse properly in the PDF printing section and appear as Italics.

Add right click option to Mark Italic. If nothing selected, insert empty brackets at the point where the cursor exists (use copy/paste functionality to avoid disturbing text). If there is a selection, check to see whether the outer characters (with trim()) are brackets. If they are, then remove the brackets. If they are not, then add brackets.


In the lexicon window, can we have a box where we can put down an example? The program should italicise it when exported to pdf, followed by a mark than a translation. For example, Han er sint: He is angry.

DraqueT commented 6 years ago

This is a good idea! Will look into the best way of implementing this. ^^