Drarig29 / typedoc-plugin-extras

A plugin for TypeDoc which adds extras to the generated documentation
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Not working with Typedoc 0.24.8 #19

Closed isaacyakl closed 1 year ago

isaacyakl commented 1 year ago

Option Errors

The plugin options are currently not working and Typedoc emits errors such as:

[error] Tried to set an option (favicon) that was not declared. You may have meant:
[error] Tried to set an option (footerTypedocVersion) that was not declared. You may have meant:

Officially Supported Options

Options have been added to Typedoc:

Drarig29 commented 1 year ago

Option Errors

Hey! Can you give more details on your setup? It works for me 🤔

Do you have a line saying [info] Loaded plugin typedoc-plugin-extras?

How do you pass the config options? With a JSON file or with CLI arguments?

I'm asking all of these because TypeDoc's error messages are conveniently different, based on if the option was declared or not at all:

"Unknown option": https://github.com/TypeStrong/typedoc/blob/c1c87c6fdad7175ca11f78bdf9ad4aeb9a9286bc/src/lib/utils/options/options.ts#L287


"Tried to set an option that was not declared": https://github.com/TypeStrong/typedoc/blob/c1c87c6fdad7175ca11f78bdf9ad4aeb9a9286bc/src/lib/utils/options/options.ts#L322

Officially Supported Options

Thanks for comparing the options this plugin provide with the officially supported options!

customTitle -> name

My custom title option works a bit differently: it doesn't change the project name (like --name), but only the name of the link in the header of all generated pages.

Example with --customTitle "Go back" (taken from here)

customTitleLink -> titleLink

You're right, this was added recently (in typedoc@0.23.17). I'll deprecate customTitleLink in the next release.

gaMeasurementId -> gaID

Wow! I made a mistake blindly resolving a feature request (#17), without checking if it was supported or not...

It is indeed already supported, and produces quite the same output.

We just put the script in different places (see the HTML below). I put the script in the head (recommended), and they put it at the very end of the page.

But I can open an issue on TypeDoc saying that this is not recommended, and I'll deprecate that option too.

<!DOCTYPE html><html class="default" lang="en"><head>
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isaacyakl commented 1 year ago

gaMeasurementId -> gaID

Yes, I was the one who requested the Google Analytics option which you implemented beautifully. At the time TypeDoc did not support it, but they probably saw that we wanted it and officially added it shortly afterwards.

Drarig29 commented 1 year ago

@isaacyakl ha ok, I didn't notice it was you.

Well, if you look at this commit, apparently the option was added 9 years ago 😅

Can you answer the main subject of this issue? ("not working with 0.24.8")

If you managed to make it work, please tell us how 😉

Drarig29 commented 1 year ago

@isaacyakl I think you may have forgotten to specify --plugin typedoc-plugin-extras, it looks like it's mandatory now: https://github.com/Drarig29/brackets-docs/actions/runs/5432312458/jobs/9879261589

I'll close this issue. Feel free to reopen if it still doesn't work for you, but I'll need to have more context.