DrasticDemise / Hubris

Bug Tracking Repo.
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1.5.1 CTD #18

Closed ArcticHowler closed 8 years ago

ArcticHowler commented 8 years ago

Just updated to 1.5.1 I found one of those little dock/houseboat things, forget the mod that added it, when I went into one of the rooms on it, as I moused over one of the chests I CTD'd. Not sure if it was the contents not wanting to be displayed from outside of the chest UI, so figured I'd just post this.

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/pHRXS971

DrasticDemise commented 8 years ago

The one with the pumpkins and chests? Those should have been removed :(

ArcticHowler commented 8 years ago

correct, and didn't know they were removed, went to it hopeful to have a safe haven until the pure nodes generated a magical forest xD

ArcticHowler commented 8 years ago

While I have your attention, would I suggest looking into halting pure node spawn on world gen so that they only occur via silverwood trees somehow? (Honestly I'm not even sure if that's a realistic option either way given that last I looked mana beans are a world gen only and can't randomly appear, which they are highly useful for even using thaumcraft, which actually brings up another interesting thing... why have thaumatic tinker and not tinker's construct?)