DrasticDemise / Hubris

Bug Tracking Repo.
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[HQM] Crafting Recall Stones doesn't complete quest. #27

Closed ArchieMagi closed 8 years ago

ArchieMagi commented 8 years ago


I haven't seen if this is a problem for anyone else but I've tried completing the quest which is completed after crafting a Recall stone and an Interdimensional Recall stone, but after crafting two times, it doesn't detect the stones. Anyone else getting this? Am I just missing something?

VxeR commented 8 years ago

I am having the same problem. I read that someone fixed it with droping and picking them up again - did not work for me.

What I've tried and did not work: 1) craft new ones, bind and name them (eg. "Home") 2) droping and picking them up again 3) use them 5 times and refill with ender pearl 4) name them exactly as in the quest book (italic name) 5) leave empty name (names them exactly as in the quest book - non-italic) 6) cheat them in 7) most of all posible combinations of the above

DrasticDemise commented 8 years ago

Fixed next update.