Drawbackz / DevCon-Installer

Quickly download and install DevCon without downloading the entire Windows Driver Kit
MIT License
136 stars 20 forks source link

silent install supported? #10

Closed ReenigneArcher closed 5 months ago

ReenigneArcher commented 6 months ago

Is silent installation supported? I'd like to use this in a GitHub runner.

Drawbackz commented 5 months ago

You can try https://github.com/Drawbackz/DevCon-Installer/releases/tag/1.4-rc

Let me know if it gives you any trouble.

ReenigneArcher commented 5 months ago

I must be missing something. I can't get it to find Devcon


Drawbackz commented 5 months ago

Not sure if there is something on my end that I have not accounted for but I did notice that a hash was not specified (required) and the update command was off. You can grab the hash for the version of devcon you would like to install from devcon_sources.json

Maybe this will work for you?

DownloadAndExtract `
  -Uri "https://github.com/Drawbackz/DevCon-Installer/releases/download/1.4-rc/Devcon.Installer.zip" `
  -OutFile "Devcon.Installer.zip"
Set-Location -Path Devcon.Installer
& "./Devcon Installer.exe" 'update'
& "./Devcon Installer.exe" 'install' '-hash' '6ECFAF7042C525DDB6C0BF0501BECFBCE85CBDF2A33B1BCA67734FEA567AF3B8' '-addpath' '-dir' 'C:\Windows\System32'

You can get the output of the application like this:

"Devcon Installer.exe" install -hash 6ECFAF7042C525DDB6C0BF0501BECFBCE85CBDF2A33B1BCA67734FEA567AF3B8 -addpath > output.txt

I am not sure if that is of any use in your situation though.

Drawbackz commented 5 months ago

This is working over here, but I am thinking that the process is not exactly script friendly. I can do a proper job and create a stand-alone cli tool that should work properly.

# Function to download and extract a zip file
function DownloadAndExtract {
    param (

    $maxRetries = 5
    $retryCount = 0
    $success = $false

    while (-not $success -and $retryCount -lt $maxRetries) {
        Write-Host "Downloading $Uri to $OutFile, attempt $retryCount of $maxRetries"
        try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -OutFile $OutFile
            $success = $true
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Attempt $retryCount of $maxRetries failed with error: $($_.Exception.Message). Retrying..."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

    if (-not $success) {
        Write-Host "Failed to download the file after $maxRetries attempts."
        exit 1

    Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath .

DownloadAndExtract -Uri "https://github.com/Drawbackz/DevCon-Installer/releases/download/1.4-rc/Devcon.Installer.zip" -OutFile ".\Devcon.Installer.zip"
& ".\Devcon Installer.exe" 'install' '-hash' '6ECFAF7042C525DDB6C0BF0501BECFBCE85CBDF2A33B1BCA67734FEA567AF3B8' '-addpath' '-update'
ReenigneArcher commented 5 months ago

I had a small issue where the code after the installer would run before it finished installing.

This solved that and it seems to be working now (might be common knowledge, but I don't do much in PowerShell). Thanks!

          Start-Process -FilePath "./Devcon Installer.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList `
            'install', `
            '-hash', '54004C83EE34F6A55380528A8B29F4C400E61FBB947A19E0AB9E5A193D7D961E', `
            '-addpath', `
            '-update', `
            '-dir', 'C:\Windows\System32'

I can do a proper job and create a stand-alone cli tool that should work properly.

Making this into a GitHub action would be cool, but definitely not necessary.