DraxCodes / Youtube2Mp3

Take playlists from other sources like Spotify and feed them into Youtube to get either a playable stream or a download for each track as an MP3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

Implement Log Event #14

Open DraxCodes opened 4 years ago

DraxCodes commented 4 years ago

⚠️ Currently we are loggin via a Console.Writeline... While this works for testing purposes, it wont work on Many of the UI's we're creating.

ℹ️ As such it would be ideal if we had a very simple log event that we could externally subscribe to in the different UI's. This event only really needs a string for the logged message.

🥇 It would be awesome if we had a custom entity for the args of the event. This could simply being something that has a string for the message but also a exception for logging any exceptions and a severity. Severity primarily would be nice so we can then do things like log simple events such as a track being downloaded, but also log events like "Track not found"...