DraxCodes / Youtube2Mp3

Take playlists from other sources like Spotify and feed them into Youtube to get either a playable stream or a download for each track as an MP3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

Issue with SpotifyAPI.Web package #27

Open DraxCodes opened 4 years ago

DraxCodes commented 4 years ago

We have a rather large issue that seems to be a result of the SpotifyAPI.Web nuget package simply being outdated.

This issue

Currently when we fetch a playlist from spotify it is limited to 100 track items per result returned. On the base, this shouldn't be an issue as they have a rather strange but useful way to get the next "Page" of results.

The issue is that the next page of results is a string url that we simply can not use. Not because we are missing an implementation for fetching a playlist with extra options, such as offset & limit, but because the SpotifyAPI.Web library simply does not have a working implementation itself that allows us to pass more args, such as the before mentioned offset & limit.

The resolution

Unless we can find another more feature full wrapper, or we simply write our own wrapper, we will not be able to handle playlists that have more than 100 songs on them.

As such, this at-least for me has brought this whole project to a halt. Ideally I would like to have a chat with @svr333, when you have time, so as to discuss what the best option is going to be moving forward.

svr333 commented 4 years ago

@DraxCodes, I'm down for a chit chat whenever you are. I have a few ideas to fix said issue. And yes, this definitely puts a hold on this. We should discuss this ASAP.