DraxCodes / Youtube2Mp3

Take playlists from other sources like Spotify and feed them into Youtube to get either a playable stream or a download for each track as an MP3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

Implement youtube #7

Closed svr333 closed 4 years ago

svr333 commented 4 years ago


Further explanation

IStreamRepository has a GetStreamFromTrack(Track track) signature. IDownloadService has a DownloadMedia(Stream stream) signature.

YoutubeStreamRepository implements both IDownloadService and IStreamRepository

Additional Information

Made a pull request since I'm not 100% sure and wanted your input.

Your idea:


  • ITrackRepositry (returns a playlist in the form of IEnumerbale)
  • IStreamRepository (Takes a single Track and returns the stream for that track Video or Audio, doesn't really matter) [YT2MP3.Spotify]
  • SpotifyTrackRepositry (Implements ITrackRepository) [YT2MP3.Youtube]
  • YoutubeStreamRepository (Implements IStreamRepository) [YT2MP3.FFMPEG]
  • FfmpegStreamRepository (Implements IStreamRepository)