DraxCodes / Youtube2Mp3

Take playlists from other sources like Spotify and feed them into Youtube to get either a playable stream or a download for each track as an MP3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

TagLib #8

Open svr333 opened 4 years ago

svr333 commented 4 years ago

What and Why?

TagLib has many features, the one I'm interested in to use is the File.Tags one. These tags can be used to show extra information when opening the file in certain apps. (See image) This would be some stuff to add later on, slight bloat - if you will.


This should probably be a separate project with an abstraction in .Core as well. Even though this will probably never break, but hey, you never fucking know, right? Right!

One could say I'm making this just to get an extra issue on my name. One might be right.