Draylar / battle-towers

Populates the world with large towers filled with monsters and loot.
MIT License
7 stars 9 forks source link

Stuck on loading world at 71% #69

Open efffauw opened 2 years ago

efffauw commented 2 years ago

** Blame Report Structure NBT 1.17.1-4.3.1-fabric **

Failed to load structure nbt file from : minecraft:2x3_3 The path represented by this is: data/minecraft/structures/2x3_3.nbt The calling Template Pool is: battletowers:jungle/lookout Most common cause is that there is a typo in this path to the nbt file. Please let the mod author know about this so they can double check to make sure the path is correct. A common mistake is putting the structure nbt file in the asset folder when it needs to go in data/structures folder.

Full log: https://ghostbin.com/aPHBP