Draylar / better-dropped-items

13 stars 17 forks source link

Not my code, just injected some from the savior of our souls @Skylortrexler #11

Closed Lyapsus closed 4 years ago

assasin541 commented 4 years ago

How to build that?

Lyapsus commented 4 years ago

Oh so sorry forgot to release it :) I'm gonna do it today or maybe tomorrow but u can follow this official guide: fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:setup

Draylar commented 4 years ago

I can merge and release tonight~

assasin541 commented 4 years ago

@Draylar that would be great, I can't wait! <3

Lyapsus commented 4 years ago

Oh u know we have some problems even with this code 2020-11-08_20 15 10

Lyapsus commented 4 years ago

Oh and also some problems with some object positions while being thrown in the air... 2020-11-10_01 12 30

assasin541 commented 4 years ago


Draylar commented 4 years ago

Released, thank you Skylortrexler and Lyapsus for the help. I noticed a weird snapping issue with blocks landing on the ground, but I'm not sure if that's new or not. I don't have enough time to fix it right now, but I might be able to in the next few days.