Draylar / identity

A modern morph mod for Fabric.
MIT License
106 stars 43 forks source link

Other Players cant see Morphs #612

Open mattxdct opened 7 months ago

mattxdct commented 7 months ago

So i wanted to troll my friend using this mod, but when i morph into a mob, he still sees me as a player, idk if i need to install something else for the multiplayer to work, or its just the mod that doesnt have the Multiplayer Function.

amazing mod btw 👍 (The server provider i use is Aternos, Fabric 1.20.1 and we both have the mod installed.)

Xan0GDI commented 7 months ago

check if you have the mod also installed on the server aternos/mods if yes then everything should work if not (and the mod is installed on the server) then I have absolute no idea. You need the fabric API, identity mod and the Architectury API.

ToCraft commented 7 months ago

This might be caused if your friend joind after you morphed. Try morphing once he's online (sadly, this is a bug).