Draylar / identity

A modern morph mod for Fabric.
MIT License
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Modded Mobs won't fly even when added to flying.json configs #621

Open cstyx90 opened 7 months ago

cstyx90 commented 7 months ago

Bug description I've added mobs by tags into the mod's flying.json file, yet I'm still unable to fly with them. Whilst on survival. Both "enableFlight" is set to true and no achievements are meant to be needed to be able to fly (I'm able to fly with vanilla mobs, however modded, after added to the mod's .json won't fly).

I'm dropping my flying.json and my identity.json.

identity.json flying.json

cstyx90 commented 7 months ago

I have noticed I forgot an "s" after "alex". However, Animalistic's Alpha Bat is meant to be able to fly, but isn't after added like this.

ToCraft commented 7 months ago

You forgot to add a , after each line. (Except the last one)

Here's a fixed version of your flying.json:

  "replace": true,
  "values": [
cstyx90 commented 7 months ago

You forgot to add a , after each line. (Except the last one)

Here's a fixed version of your flying.json:

  "replace": true,
  "values": [

Hi! Thx for ur help. I've tried this and I'm still not able to fly with neither of these mobs. It's important I mention I'm pulling the .jsons out of the java file with WinRAR and putting it back after edited. Still, I cannot fly with these mobs.

ToCraft commented 7 months ago

Don't do that. You need to create a datapack which overrides the data of identity. I think there are plenty tutorials on YouTube, but here's an official guide: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Data_pack

cstyx90 commented 7 months ago

Don't do that. You need to create a datapack which overrides the data of identity. I think there are plenty tutorials on YouTube, but here's an official guide: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Data_pack

Oh God. That will take a bit. Thank you very much! I'll try that see how it goes