Draylar / identity

A modern morph mod for Fabric.
MIT License
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Use 'fabric-api' mod ID in fabric.mod.json #636

Open Poopooracoocoo opened 5 months ago

Poopooracoocoo commented 5 months ago

Users may be confused when they see that it depends on fabric, not knowing that it's referring to the Fabric API.

As of Minecraft 1.19.2, Fabric API's mod ID has changed from fabric to fabric-api. When backporting from 1.19.2 to earlier versions, you must alter the depends section of your fabric.mod.json to expect fabric.

From https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:setup#mod_setup

The line to change: https://github.com/Draylar/identity/blob/arch-1.20.1/fabric/src/main/resources/fabric.mod.json#L32