DrazharLn / pracx

PlotinusRedux's Patch for SMACX
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Game doesn't update until mouse is moved or key pressed #22

Open jmdana opened 6 years ago

jmdana commented 6 years ago


First of all, thanks for a great patch and for keeping the game alive.

During enemy's units actions (and sometimes just before a dialog appears), the game kind of freezes and doesn't update until the mouse is moved or a key is pressed. It feels like an autopause after every single unit move.

The issue disappears if PRACX is disabled. I have tried with and without Yitzi's patch and I see the same behavior (i.e. issue appears only if PRACX is enabled).

I'm running the game under Windows 10 64 bits. It also happens when running in Windows 98 compatibility mode.


DrazharLn commented 6 years ago

Almost all credit is due to PlotinusRedux rather than me :)

Is the cursor near any of the edges of the screen when this occurs?

There's a known bug that PRACX-scrolling pauses the rest of the game for the duration of the scroll.

jmdana commented 6 years ago

Well, thanks to both of you then ;)

No, it isn't. It happens independently of the cursor position.

DrazharLn commented 6 years ago

Thanks :)

Could you see if it's repeatable? Make sure autosaves are on, and when it next happens, reload the save, save just before end turn, and hit end turn and see what happens?

Maybe also try the latest debug build and send me the logfile? https://github.com/DrazharLn/pracx/releases

Be careful that the logfile doesn't get too big, though.

jmdana commented 6 years ago

Yes, it's repeatable. Actually, it happens every time and just before an enemy unit visible in the map is about to move. It also happens after planetfall and just before both your city and unit appear.

I have attached two logfiles.

In the one just below there is a pause just after planetfall and it crashes when is about to happen again with an enemy unit. It crashed big time, it wouldn't even allow me to open the task manager, I had to log out.


In this other one it also paused just after planetfall and before enemy moves. I did a couple of loads as you mentioned and, after the last one, another crash just like the one before.


Just for your information, the crashes never happened with 1.09 (could it be related with the aggressive logging of the debug build?).

EDIT: I have just realized that, when the enemy unit moves several squares, the pause usually happens after it does the first one, so the action is paused during the movement and not before it. It looks like it is not necessarily before it starts moving but, let's say, at some point during the move.

DrazharLn commented 6 years ago

Well, let's try to eliminate the logging.

Could you try v1.10 non-logging? And could you send me save files of just before the problems happen?

And are you using a laptop? Touchpad or mouse? Yitzi patch version?

DrazharLn commented 6 years ago


jmdana commented 6 years ago

I'm using a desktop with mouse. It happens with and without Yitzi's patch, both SMAC and SMAX.

I will try to send you the save file in the next few days.

DrazharLn commented 4 years ago

Does this still happen for you with the non-debug binaries?

v1.10 and v1.11 on the release page do not log excessively as the old v1.10 did.