Dream-High / DJCM

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training dataset or weights available? + benchmarks #2

Open blaisewf opened 1 month ago

blaisewf commented 1 month ago

hello i would like to know if the weights of this implementation have been released, or if it has been implemented in any system. the paper is interesting.

are there any benchmarks with other existing models?

DEV-MalletteS commented 1 month ago
  Happy to see you are trying to involved blaise, thank you. You do great work. 

   On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 10:03 AM, Blaise ***@***.***> wrote: 

  hello i would like to know if the weights of this implementation have been released, or if it has been implemented in any system. the paper is interesting. 
  are there any benchmarks with other existing models? 
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