Dreamersoul / administrate-field-active_storage

support active storage in administrate
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Combine Options deprecated #133

Open rbarisic-lme opened 1 year ago

rbarisic-lme commented 1 year ago

My attached image doesn't render after saving a model (e.g. profile) I get this error in the network tab of the image's request:

ArgumentError at /rails/active_storage/representations/redirect/<jwttoken>/<filename>.png

Active Storage's ImageProcessing transformer doesn't support :combine_options, as it always generates a single command.

> To access an interactive console with this error, point your browser to: /__better_errors

activestorage ( lib/active_storage/transformers/image_processing_transformer.rb, line 39

``` ruby
   34               if ActiveStorage.variant_processor == :mini_magick
   35                 validate_transformation(name, argument)
   36               end
   38               if name.to_s == "combine_options"
>  39                 raise ArgumentError, <<~ERROR.squish
   40                   Active Storage's ImageProcessing transformer doesn't support :combine_options,
   41                   as it always generates a single command.
   42                 ERROR
   43               end

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Dreamersoul commented 1 year ago

Hello, we haven't used combined options for years now, could you try cleaning up bundle gems? Also is this error showing up when you browse the index of the admin panel model? Or details?