Dreamescaper / BlazorBindings.Maui

MAUI Blazor Bindings - Build native and hybrid MAUI apps with Blazor
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BindableLayout for FlexLayout? #128

Closed lochidev closed 1 year ago

lochidev commented 1 year ago

` <FlexLayout Wrap="FlexWrap.Wrap" AlignContent="FlexAlignContent.SpaceEvenly" JustifyContent="FlexJustify.SpaceEvenly"> @foreach (var list in Config.Memes) { foreach (var meme in list) { <VerticalStackLayout Padding="new Thickness(5,5,5,5)"
Spacing="5" BackgroundColor="Config.ColorList[RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(0, Config.ColorList.Count)]" WidthRequest="100" HeightRequest="100">

Dreamescaper commented 1 year ago

BindableLayout is not really applicable for Blazor diff approach. Maybe it is possible to make it work, but it doesn't make much sense.

Still, while Blazor diff-ing had some perf overhead, it should not cause any noticeable effect in most cases. Have you tried implementing it with xaml and BindableLayout, does it work faster? How many items to you have there btw? And how do you plan to use BindableLayout anyway?

Dreamescaper commented 1 year ago

Btw, this part will probably cause issues:

BackgroundColor="Config.ColorList[RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(0, Config.ColorList.Count)]"

It will probably change the color on any interaction.

You can either store that color per meme somehow, or extract Meme component separately (probably a better approach).

lochidev commented 1 year ago

Hi, I fixed this by switching over to shell. Was using tabbedpage and was confused 😂 Amazing project btw, loving it!