Closed mrpmorris closed 1 year ago
Thanks for this library. I am just evaluating it at the moment, but it looks great!
Do you have instructions for how I can create a class library? I don't see a template for it, so this is what I did
1: Created another new app 2: Reduced the csproj to the following
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFrameworks>net7.0-android;net7.0-ios;net7.0-maccatalyst</TargetFrameworks> <TargetFrameworks Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('windows'))">$(TargetFrameworks);net7.0-windows10.0.19041.0</TargetFrameworks> <RootNamespace>DSMauiComponents</RootNamespace> <UseMaui>true</UseMaui> <EnableDefaultCssItems>false</EnableDefaultCssItems> <SupportedOSPlatformVersion Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) == 'ios'">14.2</SupportedOSPlatformVersion> <SupportedOSPlatformVersion Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) == 'maccatalyst'">14.0</SupportedOSPlatformVersion> <SupportedOSPlatformVersion Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) == 'android'">23.0</SupportedOSPlatformVersion> <SupportedOSPlatformVersion Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) == 'windows'">10.0.17763.0</SupportedOSPlatformVersion> <TargetPlatformMinVersion Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) == 'windows'">10.0.17763.0</TargetPlatformMinVersion> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="BlazorBindings.Maui" Version="0.10.40-preview" /> </ItemGroup> </Project>
When I use a component in that class library I get an error telling me there can only be one root element in the app, even though it is added inside the VerticalStackLayout in the default main page (just about the counter button).
Doh, I was automatically adding stupid markup in my component
Thanks for this library. I am just evaluating it at the moment, but it looks great!
Do you have instructions for how I can create a class library? I don't see a template for it, so this is what I did
1: Created another new app 2: Reduced the csproj to the following
When I use a component in that class library I get an error telling me there can only be one root element in the app, even though it is added inside the VerticalStackLayout in the default main page (just about the counter button).