It would be great to design this service with extensibility in mind, so that I could, for example, add extension method ShowPopupAsync to display XCT's Popup.
Open questions:
How to name it to avoid confusion? We have ShellNavigationManager, we have NavigationManager from web Blazor, would NavigationService be fine?
Would it make any sense to merge it with existing ShellNavigationManager ?
Can I always use Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation to get INavigation?
Is there any Navigated event we could use to dispose the renderer when the page is closed?
Currently we have ShellNavigationManager for url-based navigation, but it has its own limitations:
I would suggest to add a service for navigation, which would allow to work with components:
This way navigation would look smth like that:
It would be great to design this service with extensibility in mind, so that I could, for example, add extension method
to display XCT's Popup.Open questions: