Dregu / visio

Ultra fast live streaming raw h264 from Raspberry Pi to multiple browser clients with Node, websockets and Broadway
MIT License
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Can you help me to get the proper way to extract the stats from video ? #4

Closed VigibotDev closed 6 years ago

VigibotDev commented 6 years ago

Hello Dregu,

Can you help me to get the proper way to extract the stats from video inside my own code / div ? I have to integrate your information into my own text. / I need to display the bitrate and other on my own page http://www.serveurperso.com:8080/ I will add thanks on the robot page with a link on visio or your custom choice.

Thanks, Pascal

Dregu commented 6 years ago

Well I have a great stats function starting https://github.com/Dregu/visio/blob/master/client.js#L57 (plus other lines matching "debug"), I don't know why you are not using it. It's not really complicated... Most of it only works with broadway though, so jmuxer branch doesn't have any.

VigibotDev commented 6 years ago

I know this function but I need to put the content inside my own div and not the default container div. I this this is a tiny modification of your code.

Dregu commented 6 years ago

The playerId in debugger can be id of any div you want the stats in. The debugger however creates a needed callback using window.player where the actual broadway Player() is.

VigibotDev commented 6 years ago

Hi, now I can pass two params one ID for video and the other for stats:) startStream('video', 'videostats', 'ws://...', true, 'auto', 2000)

I modded your code to get just what I want :


Thanks a lot

VigibotDev commented 6 years ago

I forget to put my modded (and a bit minimized) code :

const FPSMIN = 23;
const PORT = 84;

var port = window.location.port;
if (window.location.protocol == 'https:') {
    var protocol = 'wss:'
    if (!port) port = '443'
} else {
    var protocol = 'ws:'
    if (!port) port = '80'

startStream('video', 'videostats', protocol+'//'+window.location.hostname+':'+port+'/'+PORT, true, 'auto', 2000)

function startStream(playerId, debugId, wsUri, useWorker, webgl, reconnectMs) {
    if (!window.player) {
        window.player = new Player({ useWorker: useWorker, workerFile: 'visio/Decoder.js', webgl: webgl, size: { width: 400, height: 300 } })
        var playerElement = document.getElementById(playerId)
        window.debugger = new debug(playerId, debugId) //show statistics, you can remove me if you dont need stats

    var separator = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 1])
    function addSeparator(buffer) {
        var tmp = new Uint8Array(4+buffer.byteLength)
        tmp.set(separator, 0)
        tmp.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), 4)
        return tmp.buffer

    var ws = new WebSocket(wsUri)
    ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'
    ws.onopen = function (e) {
        console.log('websocket connected')
        ws.onmessage = function (msg) {
            window.player.decode(new Uint8Array(addSeparator(msg.data)))
            if(window.debugger) window.debugger.nal(msg.data.byteLength)
    ws.onclose = function (e) {
        console.log('websocket disconnected')
        if (reconnectMs > 0) {
            setTimeout(function() { startStream(playerId, wsUri, useWorker, webgl, reconnectMs) }, reconnectMs)

// debugger stuff
function avgFPS(length) {
    this.index = 0
    this.sum = 0
    this.length = length
    this.buffer = Array.apply(null, Array(length)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,0);
    this.tick = function(tick) {
        this.sum -= this.buffer[this.index]
        this.sum += tick
        this.buffer[this.index] = tick
        if (++this.index == this.length) this.index = 0
        return Math.floor(this.sum/this.length)
    this.avg = function() {
        return Math.floor(this.sum/this.length)
    return this

function debug(playerId, debugId) {
    this.started = +new Date()
    this.fps = new avgFPS(50)
    this.last = +new Date()
    this.nals = 0
    this.total = 0
    this.secondTotal = 0
    this.statsElement = document.getElementById(debugId)
    window.player.onPictureDecoded = function(buffer, width, height, infos) {
        window.debugger.frame(width, height)
    this.nal = function(bytes) {
        this.total += bytes
        this.secondTotal += bytes
    this.frame = function(w, h) {
        var now = +new Date(), delta = now - window.debugger.last
        this.last = now
    setInterval(function() {
        var date = new Date(null)
        date.setSeconds((+new Date()-window.debugger.started)/1000)
        var fps = Math.floor(1/window.debugger.fps.avg()*1000)
        var kos = Math.floor(window.debugger.secondTotal/1024)
        if (!isFinite(fps) || kos == 0) fps = 0
        if (fps < FPSMIN) window.debugger.statsElement.style.color = '#ff0000'
        else window.debugger.statsElement.style.color = '#00ff00'
        window.debugger.statsElement.innerHTML = 'Vidéo H.264 | '+fps+' FPS | '+kos+' Ko/s | '+Math.floor(window.debugger.secondTotal/128)+' Kbit/s'
        window.debugger.secondTotal = 0
    }, 1000)