Dresel / RouteLocalization

RouteLocalization is an MVC and Web API package that allows localization of your attribute routes.
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Is translations possible using only route attributes? #77

Open vallieresch opened 5 years ago

vallieresch commented 5 years ago

As I am using a custom scaffolder, it would be much easier if the translations would be replaced by a route attribute on the controllers/actions.

Something like: [LocalizedRoute("{culture}/services/contact-us", "en-CA")] [LocalizedRoute("{culture}/services/nous-joindre", "fr-CA")]

Is this something that is already supported? If not, is there another way around to meet my goal and can this feature be added?

Dresel commented 5 years ago

It's not supported out of the box, but maybe you could do something like this?

vallieresch commented 5 years ago

Hmmm I fail to see how I could define 2 localized routes for an action using that method. I can't do a redirect.

Dresel commented 5 years ago

See this localized-route-attribute branch and the RouteConfig.cs and HomeController.cs of the sample project.

vallieresch commented 5 years ago

Thanks Dresel! It's working exactly as expected. The only thing I cannot get working is the CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture to switch automatically. I tried both of your CultureSensitiveActionFilterAttribute and CultureSensitiveHttpModule but no change.

Dresel commented 5 years ago

Does it work in the sample project of the localized-route-attribute? "en/Welcome" should switch to englisch culture and "de/Willkommen" to german culture. Maybe you have something else registered that overrides the filter / module.

vallieresch commented 5 years ago

Yes your branch works. I got it working on my test project. My LocalizedRouteAttribute was inheriting from RouteFactoryAttribute. I also didn't have the [Route("Index")]. Anyway to drop the [Route] attribute altogether? I imagine this serves as the default route that is then translated by the LocalizedRoute attribute.