DrewML / octo-preview

Chrome extension for live markdown previews in GitHub comments
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Port to Pale Moon/Basilisk? #1

Open TPS opened 8 years ago

TPS commented 8 years ago

This would be amazing to have as an extension to the Mozilla-based browsers, also. ☺

Some info re: Pale Moon compatibility: Extensions & Pale Moon

DrewML commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the input, @TPS!

I actually did initially plan on porting this to Firefox, I just don't know when I'll have the free time to do it. If I'm being 100% honest, I'm typically only using Chrome, so I don't have a ton of motivation to get it ported.

Having said that, I did try to setup the repo in such a way that it would be easier to port to other browsers. If you're interested in helping, we'd basically just need to build a "shell" for Firefox in the shells folder, and then update the build to cut a separate package for Firefox. The shells primary purpose is to detect a GitHub page, and inject the content script (which should already work cross-browser).

I'm very open to PRs :)

filips123 commented 5 years ago

Firefox now supports Web Extensions. It should not be hard to port extension because it would probably only require some little fixes and publishing to Firefox Addons.

TPS commented 5 years ago

Sadly, PaleMoon/Basilisk will never support WebExtensions, so I'm hoping for a proper port.