DrewNaylor / UXL-Launcher

An app launcher meant to launch Microsoft Office 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 desktop software/apps, including ones from Office 365. Not associated with Microsoft.
Apache License 2.0
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Recent files list below the app buttons like the Office app? #197

Open DrewNaylor opened 3 years ago

DrewNaylor commented 3 years ago

There would be a way to dismiss that file list, but it could be helpful. It would be recent files as mentioned in #196. Maybe there could be two lists, one local and one MS Graph-powered.

Those two lists could be either in tabs or just one below the other one, but tabs would be better so people can make the lists as long as they want (within reason) and not have them impact each other. When one tab is off, the tab should be hidden if possible, but if that's too hard, hiding all the controls and leaving a "this feature is off" message could work. The top-right of the Graph tab would have a refresh button in case it doesn't refresh often enough (which should be configurable).

The Graph list should be updated when a file is opened from the Graph list, and the local list should push the most-recently-used from that list back to the top.

The main window should be resizable to make this easier to use.

DrewNaylor commented 3 years ago

Partially copied from #196:

Eventually I want this to allow for getting a list of recent documents tied to a Microsoft account by using Microsoft Graph. This would be optional, and this list would be in a separate menu so the user can have both on, one on and one off, or both off.

... The Microsoft Graph one would have the option to have it on or off, an option to sign in to get the list (and a sign out option as well), maybe a way to say how many files to get if the API allows (otherwise it'll just be 10 or something, but I assume it would allow saying how many to get), and a way to clear the list (again, if the API allows it). Probably would have to have a privacy policy since the user is signing in to a third-party application. Preferably this would allow multiple accounts at once, but at the moment I'm not sure how that would work for this as I don't think even the official Office app allows that.

Refreshing the local/offline recently used list could be done after successfully opening a file as described above, but the Microsoft Graph one would have to refresh on a different schedule. Maybe on startup and every time that menu is opened? There would have to be an async thing to make sure it didn't lock up during the refresh.

Storing login stuff would be done with a hash of some kind stored somewhere safe. Would need to look into that more.