DrewNaylor / guinget

Unofficial GUI for Microsoft's Windows Package Manager (winget). Kinda like Synaptic, but for Windows. Not associated with either Microsoft or the Synaptic project, and Microsoft does not endorse this software.
Apache License 2.0
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Add a button that opens a window to show the user a screenshot, like Synaptic. #126

Open DrewNaylor opened 3 years ago

DrewNaylor commented 3 years ago

The window for this should provide the user with a button to open the image in their browser along with the Close button. Maybe this could be stored in a GitHub repository where it's all organized by package ID; "screenshots/7zip.7zip/0.png" for example. This screenshot server URL should be customizable in case the user wants to get screenshots from somewhere else, and it may be necessary to have this be a GitHub Pages site to make accessing the images easier. Not all packages will have screenshots available if I don't want to take screenshots of everything, though other people will be able to contribute screenshots thanks to git's power. What's nice is that I can add to or update the screenshots without having to update guinget itself.

DrewNaylor commented 3 years ago

To reduce bandwidth usage, there should be an option to cache files locally on disk with a button to clear the cache. Storing screenshots in the cache would be on by default. Hopefully the cache would be used enough to be reasonable to support. Not sure how to know whether the cache needs to be invalidated to get new stuff, though.

DrewNaylor commented 3 years ago

I think what can work for the cache invalidation is a button that reloads the image from the server and updates the file in the cache.

DrewNaylor commented 1 year ago

Actually, I guess a GitHub Pages site would be a bad idea, as that would increase load on their servers. Thus, Linode (edit: or maybe DreamHost as last I checked it had unlimited data transfer) may be what I should use for it. Will need to figure out how to allow a specific subdomain for my domain to not have to buy more domain names.

DrewNaylor commented 1 year ago

The original issue text was copied from OneNote.