Drewsif / PiShrink

Make your pi images smaller!
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-p option removes logs as expected but could it be possible to keep specific log files ? #209

Closed Vincent-Stragier closed 3 years ago

Vincent-Stragier commented 3 years ago

I faced an issue when creating images where the corporate was (probably - I need to check it) PiShrink deleting needed log folders and files.

Could it be possible to specify repositories/files to keep untouched?

Or is there a trick (changing file date or whatever) to mimic this behaviour? I've not read the code...

Drewsif commented 3 years ago

I would not use the -p option or modify the code here https://github.com/Drewsif/PiShrink/blob/43f1a885cd147638a0d1961753f711f838915b88/pishrink.sh#L319