DrexHD / Vanish

Fabric vanish mod to completely hide from other players using /vanish
MIT License
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Add setting to make vanished players invulnerable #21

Closed MrNavaStar closed 9 months ago

MrNavaStar commented 9 months ago

This is useful if vanished players are not in creative mode and you want to prevent them from getting blown up.

Let me know if anything needs adjusting, Cheers!

DrexHD commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I have changed the default to false to keep current behavior. I have also rewritten the invulnerability part to be more compatible with other mods that might update the value. Also to make sure stuff like, people being stuck in invulnerability, if the config is changed while they are vanished doesn't happen!

MrNavaStar commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I have changed the default to false to keep current behavior. I have also rewritten the invulnerability part to be more compatible with other mods that might update the value. Also to make sure stuff like, people being stuck in invulnerability, if the config is changed while they are vanished doesn't happen!

Ah I had thought about the getting stuck as invulnerable, but I wanted to wait to see your response. Glad you fixed it, and thanks for merging!